Lupus/Autoimmune Info and Research

"Spoonie" Uncovered


Latest Read: The Universe Has Your Back

THIS. This book I recommend for anyone needing a pick me up, or anyone who needs to restore and reconnect with their faith. The Universe Has Your Back is the latest book written by Gabrielle Bernstein, who has become a prominent motivational speaker who calls herself a "Spirit Junkie." I've grown to love that term following her on social media, because it's so...

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Paleo Alert! Coconut Crusted Chicken

Since I haven't yet commented on nutrition, I want to put out there that it is very important to me. Unlike quality and natural food, medications can't give you that refreshed feeling like you just stepped outside on a crisp autumn day. If you eat well (natural and fresh), you will really feel much better!  When I was diagnosed with lupus, along with...

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Reflecting on this Last Year; Turning Challenge into Opportunity

I've taken a bit of a mental break for the holidays and my awesome trip to Chicago for New Years; and after such a great time I wanted to reflect on how great life really is! What can I say, 2016 was anything but expected. However, it is important to take every experience (good or bad) with a grain of salt and make...

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