
Platelet Rich Plasma Procedure Injection

1:08 AM

Just when you think medicine couldn't get any cooler, it does! In October I received my fourth platelet rich plasma injection in my knee. You can check out my story here to see the method behind the madness. 
I am blessed enough to work at the New Jersey Regenerative Institute before PA school where they perform these procedures, and helped me gain my way of life back in 2014. I have been getting these whenever I need a little pep in my step when I'm feeling that my knee has been acting up for a period of time. 
Drs. Malanga, Bowen, Agesen and Dunn have helped so many people come back from injuries that may require surgery, but all through ultrasound guided injections of cells that come from your own body! There is no risk of rejection, and patients typically resume normal activity within just a few days. 
First, about 60 cc's is drawn from your peripheral blood (aka your arm). If you have a smaller joint that needs reviving or if you have tendonitis, only 30cc's may be drawn. The "whole blood," which contains all the growth platelets and red blood cells, is concentrated to form the top layer of plasma at the top of the tube. Then, it is centrifuged once more and the platelet poor plasma is separated from the platelet rich plasma (the part that will be injected and contains concentrated growth factors). Platelet poor plasma also has healing qualities, and sometimes patients get a little bonus when they come to the office because they are able to take it home and use it as part of a rejuvenating skin or hair care regimen! The doctors then use an in-office ultrasound to look at the subcutaneous fat layers, muscle, tendons and the joint lining, to assure that they are injecting the PRP directly into the defect or problem area. 
These doctors perform other regenerative cellular procedures, which I will detail in future posts. You can also check out our procedure list on online!
So...no anesthesia, no foreign materials, no scalpels, no time off work, no crutches...I would say it's a home run! If you know anyone that has any type of chronic joint pain or tendonitis, definitely inquire about this prior to surgery!

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