
Art of Acquiescence

1:13 PM

I just finished up a notable book by Ryan Holiday called The Obstacle is the Way. It was suggested to me based on the circumstances in my life, and how I choose to live my life, because it embodied and defined the philosophy of stoicism. It was founded in ancient Athens, and became famous for accepting the circumstances given in life and building upward and onward from them. Many refer to stoicism as endurance of pain or hardship without complaint or outward emotion; or simply as acceptance, forbearance, or fortitude in a situation. As the book advertises, it it the timeless art of turning trials into triumph. 

Practicing stoicism does not come easy, it is does not encourage the normal human reaction. You most overcome an outburst of negativity and outrage, and turn it into motivation. You turn intense pain into footsteps for success, and recognize that without it you may not have gotten to where you're destined to be. Think about it, what is your purpose of going through a painful or trying experience? To suffer? To deteriorate? Not at all. It is to unveil a time of growth and prosperity. 

One of my favorite chapters in the book revolved around the art of acquiescence. It opens up with a quote from Cleanthes saying, "The Fates guide the person who accepts them and hinder the person who resists them." In my life, I use my faith to guide me. To my experience, this means that God has plans for you, and you must accept the path He takes you on. Any hardship could mean tremendous success as a direct result. Don't resist what God has put in front of you. So many times in my life I fought like they said in this book for what I knew to be my destiny, and out of so many tribulations, I have grown to be someone I would have never even thought to be. If it weren't for my hardship, I would not have been on the career path I'm on, have gone to the school I went to, made professional and personal relationships that I will hold on forever, and much more. My life would be something completely different. 

So when you're faced with the decision to acquiesce, think "c'est la vie." Acceptance is key. Accept the hand of cards you are dealt. If your path is broken or detoured, learn from the journey. This does not mean that you are not able to accomplish your ultimate goal. There may be a lesson that leads to enormous growth down that opposing fork in the road. Appreciate what you have, instead of complaining about what was given to you. You will never move on from that bad news or that medical diagnosis if you do not accept it, learn from it, and move as a force with it in the right direction. Your accomplishments will be much more meaningful BECAUSE of it. 

Read this book and absorb every bit of it. I was totally engrossed and loved learning the philosophy of the stoics applied to real life situations (i.e. presidents and famous historical figures). You cannot control life, but you can control your success. It's totally up to you. 

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  1. Wow! You are a very special & unique person... you will help many people with your testimony. Keep up the great work & keep the faith!!


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