
The Long Awaited Unveiling of National Resource Center on Lupus

Just this week, the Lupus Foundation of America unveiled their powerful tool for lupus patients around the world; The National Resource Center on Lupus.  I was honored to be asked as someone to have a "first look" prior to the unveiling, and to take part in a webinar that allowed ambassadors around the country to become accustomed to the user-friendly platform to get...

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Art of Acquiescence

I just finished up a notable book by Ryan Holiday called The Obstacle is the Way. It was suggested to me based on the circumstances in my life, and how I choose to live my life, because it embodied and defined the philosophy of stoicism. It was founded in ancient Athens, and became famous for accepting the circumstances given in life and building...

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The Strength to Create a New Force: The LFA Ambassador Program

Some people just ask me how. How could you be so passionate about something that has altered your life and causes you suffering? How do you have this strength to keep pushing? That's always an easy one. I try to fight back harder than how hard lupus attacks me. Lupus has changed the way I think, feel, how I approach different people and...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Yoga? My New Journey!

Soooo, I took the plunge and started a brand new wellness journey! I'm still very faithful to my gym ways, but I found that starting to practice yoga has already had wonderful benefits within these first two weeks. It has honestly been a perfect addition into my lifestyle; I'm able to focus on my mind, body and spirit at once to better myself...

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