So yesterday at work, I was lucky enough to have one of our doctors help me in battling chronic inflammation from lupus via alternative medicine! As some of you may know, I love the thought of alternative and holistic medicine. There is definitely a time and place for both traditional western medicine and holistic medicine. Often times, heavy doses of certain pharmaceutical medications can really...
Fitness & Wellness
Getting over the Fitness Hump when Struggling with Chronic Pain, Fatigue, or Lack of Motivation:
No matter who you are, we all get stuck in those times where all of a sudden, our bodies decide they don't want to work in the gym. This leads down a path of discouragement, ultimately leading to days, weeks or months without stepping foot in the gym. This can often be a result of life just getting in the way. Whether it's...
Lupus/Autoimmune Info and Research
"From Patient to Provider": Check out my feature on the Lupus Foundation of America's Blog!
Hi Everyone! I recently had the privilege to be featured in the blog of the Lupus Foundation of America's website to share my story to inspire others that lupus is not the end of a fulfilling life, it is just the beginning!
Check it out by clicking here, where you can read the story and share it on other social media sites. Thanks for reading and wishing you a positive day!
It's officially my favorite time of the year! As soon as my boyfriend and I see the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, or my friend's Christmas party at the beginning of December rolls around; it means that I am constantly listening to Christmas carols, getting excited for shopping for my friends and family, decorating, and praying for snow! This time makes me so happy...
Just when you think medicine couldn't get any cooler, it does! In October I received my fourth platelet rich plasma injection in my knee. You can check out my story here to see the method behind the madness. I am blessed enough to work at the New Jersey Regenerative Institute before PA school where they perform these procedures, and helped me gain my way...
The biggest struggle to living with an autoimmune disease is finding people who truly understand what you are going through. If you are lucky enough to have people close to you that provide moral support and unconditional love, then you are incredibly blessed and you should embrace those relationships. Every once in a while though, we find a sense of emptiness when we...