Getting over the Fitness Hump when Struggling with Chronic Pain, Fatigue, or Lack of Motivation:

11:33 AM

No matter who you are, we all get stuck in those times where all of a sudden, our bodies decide they don't want to work in the gym. This leads down a path of discouragement, ultimately leading to days, weeks or months without stepping foot in the gym. 
This can often be a result of life just getting in the way. Whether it's starting a new job, classes, or an unexpected conflict; everything seems more important than exercising at that very moment. 
I know some of my spoonie/chronic life friends can relate, that our disease can also often times get in the way of working out. 
I really cling to the term lupus strong, because more often than not, I have to overcome some obstacle (usually how crappy I'm feeling), and get my butt moving! With lupus, and many other autoimmune illnesses, we experience unpredictable symptoms of joint pain, muscle weakness, and debilitating fatigue. ALL of these symptoms can contribute to a lack of motivation to working out, and rightfully so! I just came out of a funk and am finally mentally overcoming my physical symptoms so that I can get to the gym and feel good. I think this may partially stem from all the Christmas cookies I've been (without shame) eating recently :)  'Tis the season!

So, we know WHY we should work out....increasing metabolism, increasing number of calories burned at rest, lowering bad cholesterol, providing increased oxygenated blood to your muscles and tissues for proper function...the list goes on and on. For my lupus buds, we know that we are at an increased risk for heart disease, we need to maintain sharp brain function to avoid lupus fog, and we need to have less mornings waking up too stiff to bend.  But what should you do when life, or pain, does end up getting in the way?

GET MOTIVATED! How do we do this?

1. Find a plan that fits your schedule and stick with it. Whether that be going to a gym and lifting weights or performing cardio, finding lap swim times at your local pool, scheduling yoga or cycling classes for particular days and putting it in your calendar, or even just setting your alarm for that morning walk in the neighborhood! If you have a set schedule and time for exercise before/after work or between class, then you will be more likely to stick to it. Humans are creatures of habit, so get on it!

2. Add variety to your workout. Often times, part of the slippery slope to a lack of motivation happens because people feel that they are not getting desired results from their sweat sessions. If you're in a gym; lift weights for one muscle group one day, do cardio the next, lift a different muscle group the following day, then do high intensity interval training the next day. Shocking your body with variety is key to developing solid muscle and strength. If you're swimming, try different strokes and paces per day and stick to them. If you're simply walking to keep your blood flowing, walk in different locations or with a few different friends to keep new conversation going. 

3. If you're unmotivated due to pain, find a type of exercise that works best to keep that at bay. I know I reached out to my #LupusChat community on twitter recently to ask for advice on exercises that are easy on the joints. I'm coming out of flare-up's and my knee arthritis has been bad, so on days that I can't go all out and lift heavy at the gym, I want to alternate my days with something more mild (but beneficial) to keep active. Another reason why having a good community and support system is crucial is crucial! During those times, it is key to find low-impact activities that focus on repairing your muscles. 

4. Lastly, don't expect too much from yourself! I'll reiterate throughout this blog that mindset is everything; when you go into the gym, pool, or studio expecting too much, then you will be disappointed. I think my dad has been saying this to me every time I've gone to the gym recently, and I come out surprising myself. Whether you took time off because you have been busy, or you are coming out of a disease flare-up, you may not be at exactly the same level as you were a week or two ago. Go in expecting nothing, and in just a few consistent days, your body will bounce back in no time!

Feel free to share in the comment section below what works best for you when you need a mental pump-up when it comes to exercise!

-Brittany :) 

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