It's Finally Christmas Time! How to Appreciate the Holiday Season:

1:08 AM

It's officially my favorite time of the year! As soon as my boyfriend and I see the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, or my friend's Christmas party at the beginning of December rolls around; it means that I am constantly listening to Christmas carols, getting excited for shopping for my friends and family, decorating, and praying for snow!
This time makes me so happy because family comes together, and somehow everyone just seems a little bit happier. Most importantly, if you celebrate Christmas, you remember that it celebrates the life of our Savior. 
For my spoonie friends, it is sometimes tough to keep up with the packed schedules of parties and preparing, because we only have so much energy to work with on the average day! Check out this link and my feature in the Lupus Foundation of America's Sharing the Journey Blog to learn how to manage holiday stress. This can be useful whether you have lupus or not!
It is very important to not attempt to remember everything you have to do, write it down in your phone's calendar or on a post-it so it does not slip your mind last minute! You can begin to write a schedule for yourself so that you can budget your time, and learn when to say "no" to an extra commitment that may just stress you out in the end. 
When scheduling yourself, please find time to enjoy this amazing season. You should take the opportunity to go to a winter market and leisurely walk around, or see attractions like the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree or its equivalent in another city. Develop your own traditions that you look forward to each year that ultimately helps you de-stress from your hectic schedule. 
Don't let the busyness of the season get you down. I see so many people that turn into the Grinch because they hate running around everywhere for everyone during the season. This is the biggest problem, Christmas has become so commercialized that people lose focus of the real meaning. Material things are not the important focus, it is a celebration of something higher than us! 
So try to reflect on the season, enjoy each other, and find the joy in your heart. 
If anyone has any insight or fun traditions that they love, feel free to comment below!

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